thats mybe i want . .

Awww, its kind of erghhh -______-' if i say that i need someone by my side , its kind of should i ? could i ? or have i ? lol erghhh its kind of complicated i think . i want somebody that care of me, not lying to me at all, love me with all of his heart, answering my call when im calling, replying my text if he can lah im not forcing or what hehehh . Hmmm let me be honest lah cause its more easier rather than typing all this nonsence thing hahaaa .. vodoh =)

I Need Someone To Take My Heart ♥

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


hmmm...2 la jwapan i bile u tny...
i xtau nk bg reason i malas nauzubillah nk online..
n lgpon i xde laptop..
thats the justified reason..gggrrr~~~

Saturday, December 11, 2010

CITAH & SHIMA .. . .

the miss rock voice n the intelligent girl..

hah!yg ni la nasyithah n shima...
the best ever friend in the college..haha..
joke je...
comey kan dorg..mybe kot..saje nk msok kn pic ni..
time ni sem 1..
time ni aq xtau nape aq dduk dpn dorg(dgn bersila kat ats lantai)..
then ambil camera n snap dorg..haha..
miss that moment!
luv u citah n shima..
k bye

Friday, December 10, 2010


hari ni g psar mlm yg agak mmbosankan..
tengah2 busy cari mknan yg i nk mkn...
suddenly ad sorg pakcik terpegang i..
(terfikir sejenak)aik!,bile mase pulak aq ad bf..coz tibe2 tgn kena pegang...
then pakcik 2 kate ,'aik!!mn bini aq ni?'
ya pulak yg malu...
rupenye pakcik 2 slh pegang org..
blushing gile aq...!!!
hanya kak iera je phm perasaan i time 2....
sumpah malu wei...


today is friday...hari i xde class...mmg best...
tp pg2 da sakit perot...brrrr~~
benda yg i benci...naik gyler sakit..
last2 mkn ubt pilcheketon..
aq pon xtau nk eja mcm mn..
phm2 la ye..haha..

Monday, December 6, 2010


 Salam Maal Hijrah untuk semua muslimin dan muslimat. jgn lupa!, baca doa Akhir Tahun dan doa Awal Tahun tau. ni bukan jalan mudah nak hapuskan dosa-dosa kita yg dah bbukit2 tu. Tapi, kalau ini salah satu cara yang kita boleh buat as usaha untuk kurangkan dosa-dosa lepas..kena yakinlah masa baca nanti.hehehehe. Ikhtiar byk2 k. Bukan rugi pun, bukan susah pun, n xambil mase yg lama pon..
Ok, ini i sertakan Doa Akhir Tahun untuk sesiapa yang belum tahu. InsyaAllah, sama-samalah nanti kita baca ya nanti. Amin.
Doa Akhir Tahun
note: doa ni kena dibace semasa asar di akhir bulan zulhijjah..
then lepas tu br bace Doa Awal tahun k ...=)

note :doa awal tahun ni pula hendaklah di bace  selepas maghrib pd ptama awal muharam..
terima kasih.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

JELOUS ??...mybe shit..

jelous ke aq ?
haloo..mybe agak geram..
sory la,tp ary ni aq rase cam nk luahkn kat kaw..
perlu ke kaw tag 2 kat mmbr2 kaw...
tp xtag kat aq,fine,coz aq bkn kwn kaw...
g lantak la muka kaw vodoh..
mybe aq xharap mcm 2...
klau la aq power ranger,da lame aq musnahkn kaw mcm aq musnahkn virus yg ad kat pendrive chitah...
go go power ranger ranger!!!

go go power ranger...

ataupon jd ultraman utk musnahkan kaw dengan kuasa super saya aq...
tet tet tet tet ,,,kebabom!!!
mampus kaw..hahah
(ketawa dgn puas hati smpy nonggeng)
ok.stop it dian..


ok..this is my friend in die norfarahashima..
juz call her shima..
die ni coomey sgt tau n teramat kepor kdg2..haha
but i love her...

HA!!yg ni i nk kenal kn kat semua..
she's a very talented and educational girl..
semua benda die tau..
best kwn gan die coz 1 kpale n we r from JOHO 
oohh,terlupe name die nashithah adilah...haha

ini dia psangan paling hot thn ni
boy die name apis...haha
harap2 korg kekal smpy bila2..amin.

ddie ni pulak epit lalola yg xbrape lalola..
die ni pndai xley bla..
die gan citah mmg bole combine jd power ranger..
coz pndai yg epit ske wat jht tau kat i..
haha..jgn mara epit...

die ni pulak justin bibir...
oppss,salah la name die azriq..
tp rmay org ckp muka die cam justin bieber...
korg judge r sndiri agk2 same ke x..
hahaha..thank you..

Saturday, December 4, 2010


LIKE A SUCH OF EVERYDAY...'k.e.b.o.s.a.n.a.n tahap dewa doe."xtau nk watpe...
adoyai...someone can help me...keluarkan la aq dr kebosanan ni....

love love love

. I want a boy , ,

> who kisses me in the rain .
> who cuddles me when i'm cold .
> who gives me little kisses on the lips .
> who will treat me the same around his mates as he does when we were alone .
> who will make me fall in love over and over again ever .

. I want someone , ,

> someone i can trust but i can't control .
> someone that i can feel safe in his arms yet stand on my own feet .
> someone that hold my hand yet knows when to let go to catch

i wish i could say that to the guy who i love for my entire life. but i know that wont happen cuz. love i wont last. 1 second u thought that he is ur soul mate. next thing u know . both of u were fighting that u wont remember the reason y. u will cry for the cut he made. another man came into ur life n u said that he is the one. 

well i dun believe in love anymore. yes i like someone. but it can go away if i have the will to make it fly away. just like every thing i do. if my heart say its time for goodbye. than it will fade. just like that.

thank you

Thank you for being part of my life and supported me until this very day. I learnt a lot throughout my life through ups and downs, happiness and sadness. You all were the people who make me what I am today. Forgive me for everything that I did.
You are my family, my friends, my teachers, my idols, my mirrors, my life, my blood, my heart, myself. thank you for support me.

facebook tau semua yg bace ni mesti tau ap...hahha,,,xkan xtau kot...
nk tny opinion korg.agk2 facebook ni mmbawa kemudaratan ke kabaikan?????
thats depend kat org 2 sendiri tol x?/
n no more,,,for a while je dian...pointer dpt rendah...abes kena sembur gan akak2 n my moms too...hhuh!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

pasar mlm...

salam semua...hari ni nk cyte psl psar mlm..sakit aty teramat ni...xley nk terkate...
pegi la 1 kedai housing hp,tny housing hp e71,dgn muka vavi apek 2 kate 'rm5o la amoi,lu xmau pegi la kuantan parade sane'..xpyh la ckp cam 2 an apek...mcm la aq nk sgt beli kat kedai kaw 2..ceh,tp nk yg beli aje....hahahaha =) xper lu r ckp cam uh..mcm la aq ni xde duit sgt...vodoh pny apek!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

kuantan mari..

salam…hye u alll….ary ni kongsi story about my journey…
hahaha…xley bla coz bile i blk kuantan ni kla time dak2 roomate ajk kuar…
aduish!hahah…tp mmg gyler2 r kuar gan dorg….coz mnapak bpk jauh ,tp best…
likes ibu said ‘kurus kan sikit bdn tuh’…
sedih sy nmendengar ibu kate cam uh….hahaha…
hah!lg satu,agk2 kan korg tau how to reduce my pimple>?//….da tahap nyotnyet dah ni….pliiiiissss